My name is Rob and I am the owner of The Exercise Academic. Whilst I am certainly not the only exercise academic (I have learnt from some of the best) being British and having a name that could be abbreviated to TEA had a certain appeal... This exercise and health blog will be written by scientists from around the world with the latest scientific EVIDENCE (as well as re-capping some basics) on exercise, diet, weight loss & other aspects of a healthy lifestyle. My inspiration? Science research can sometimes be misrepresented in the media and this can cause all sorts of problems (for academics and for you!!). For example, it can mean that you start following the latest exercise or diet routine that isn't supported by EVIDENCE.
So why subscribe?
1) You are interested in health and exercise (just like us scientists) and want to learn more!
2) You are looking to make some lifestyle changes and want to do some fact checking!
(**the articles will be written by scientists and supported by science with references, they will be impartial and the goal is to provide information, but not specific health advise**)
3) There is a global pandemic, it's raining and you have nothing better to do...
We want you to interact with this blog, so if you have any questions or would like clarification about the effects of exercise or diet on health, get in touch and I will write a response, or find an expert scientist to clarify your questions. So sit back (or get moving), subscribe to the blog (why not, it's free!) and enjoy the first post about all things energy balance!!